Saturday, October 16, 2010


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Friday, October 8, 2010

Sometimes I feel like a stranger in town. (It's a song that reminds me of Jasmine.)

            In the beginning we are introduced to Jasmine by an astrologer as a someday widower. When I first read that I was really rather intrigued, and I don’t believe in astrology or fortunes one bit. I’ve always thought of life as you make your own luck, and create your own future. I would never ask anyone of my fate, because to me it all seems so unpredictable.
            But once again, I’m an American who lacks serious spiritual beliefs. I have one God, and He is the only one I pray to. (And I certainly don’t do it as much as I should.) But Jasmine I suppose is someone believing in many spirits and customs I don’t understand. Such as, who else would have believed Jasmine had a third eye out of which she saw an entirely different world? I was never raised or taught to believe such almost fairytale situations, but hey like I said I am a boring American all of the way. (Or so it seems.)
            Then the story continues and Jasmine actually loses the love of her life, which was rather sad. They were married two weeks after they met and it all seemed so romantic. The way they described it seemed to be a real love at first sight kind of love. Which again, I don’t really believe in but there is always the possibility it could actually happen to someone else simply somewhere else.
            I used to call my friend Jason “Jase” all of the time. It was a fun nickname, complete with the Jase the chase catch line. Which is kind of like Jasmine, she always seemed to be on the go. But maybe that is because if I were Jasmine I would have been a widow and kept to myself. But she just kept moving on, into American and into new loves.  Which, I know that Jasmine seems strong but at the same time don’t we all only have one great love? If she is so dependent then I am not sure why she is living with these strange men.
            When my husband dies I won’t fall in love again, or so I don’t plan to. I feel like once you love someone, and it’s real, your heart is never back to give it away again. But maybe she was just lonely and confused, so she wanted to pretend or believe she could love again. I feel like her relationship with Bud may have been just that. It didn’t seem like she really wanted to leave him. Maybe she knew somehow, someway, she needed these men in her life to somehow get back on track.
            I think some of us cope by laughing when we really want to cry. Or going outside when we just want to dwell in our beds. I think we do anything we can just to fight it, because if we don’t fight it we start to lose all feeling. When we lose someone we love it cuts deep. We want to bury ourselves and I guess Jasmine experienced this pain on the inside. Maybe that is why she seems rather complicated to me.

Here are the lyrics to the song by the way:
Here's to the good life or so they say
All those parties and games that all those people play
They tell me this is the place to be
All these beautiful people and nothin' to see

Sometimes I feel like something is gone here
Something is wrong here, I don't belong here
Sometimes I feel like a stranger in town
And I've lost what I found, it'll all turn around


In a little while I'll be thinkin' about you
In a little while I'll still be here without you
You never gave me a reason to doubt you
In a little while I'll be thinkin' about you baby...I'll be thinkin' about you baby

On the other side of a coin
There's a face there's a memory somewhere that I can't erase
And there's a place that I find someday
But sometimes I feel like it's slippin' away

Sometimes I feel like something is gone here
Something is wrong here, I don't belong here
Sometimes I feel like a stranger in town
And I've lost what I found, it'll all turn around


Some things are lost some left behind
Some things are better left for someone else to find
Maybe in time I can finally see
I just wonder, wonder if you think about me

Sometimes I feel like something is gone here
Something is wrong here, I don't belong here
Sometimes I feel like a stranger in town
And I've lost what I found, it'll all turn around