I’m not entirely sure I believe in talking to the dead. In fact, I don’t believe interacting with spirits is truly what was happening here. I believe that all of these random outbursts mother has are memories of past events.
It could be that I simply don’t believe communicating with the dead is plausible, but I have firm suspicions that the mother was a comfort woman once upon a time and is now engaging in flashbacks from that life. After all, wouldn’t being a comfort women toy with your mind?
Mother doesn’t have this remarkable gift that people keep mentioning, mother has simply lost her mind. Think about it. You need money and you need it fast, what do you do? Go keep military men company in the time of need? Sure, sounds easy enough. But then you get there and realize you were deceived and taken for a fool. They want more than just the pleasure of your company; they want sex.
But the money is paying back your debt and helping to support your family, what do you do? Do you swallow your pride and take care of your family? Or do you go home broke, with starving children and empty promises? Chances are you do what you need to do, just as I believe mother did. So she became a comfort woman, complete with a daily sex schedule.
Yes, a sex schedule assorting the ranks of military men verse the day of the week. Who needs sleep or time to rest? There is money to be made and the war will only last so long. So you go to upscale events and you receive gifts from many men who don’t really care about your well-being. I’m sure you are meeting all kinds of people, and being treated badly by the worst.
You are making enough money to get you and your family by, but you are an object and nothing more. When you look at Japanese soldiers and soldiers from your own country you fear them even though they are your people because of what they have allowed you to do.
It’s years later now, and you have a son. Your son thinks you are crazy, along with everyone else. But you don’t think you are crazy, you have no idea what everyone is talking about. Your friend thinks you are communicating with the dead, but this isn’t something you understand. You have no idea what she is talking about. You’re just living, with nothing coming in your way.
Because you have been through a lot and if there is one thing you’ve learned it’s to not stop and take in what’s happening. It’s to keep moving, and slowly but surely let your life float into air. You stop feeling, you stop thinking, and you don’t know who has a hold of you these days.
Because you were in the war, and just like mama, you lost yourself there.